H Spurgeon Cherry westside Pool
1.5 Hour
Temporary schedule
Tuesday and Thursday
4:30pm - 6:00pm
H Spurgeon Cherry Westside Pool
2.5 Hours
Temporary schedule
Tuesday and Thursday
4:30pm - 7:00pm
What happens in a Dryland Class?
Dryland classes will be a combination of diving specific conditioning, modelling and visualization, dry diving board skills, tumbling and somersaulting skills, trampoline and spotting belt work. The spotting belt is an overhead harness and pulley system of a trampoline that allows the diver to practice the flight techniques safely with the coach’s assistance. All of these skills can dramatically help a diver improve in all aspects of the sport. I highly recommend adding these classes to your curriculum.
Interested in Diving?
There will be no charge for the first class but for insurance reasons everyone attending MUST BE REGISTERED with the AAU.